Drivers Omron

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  2. Drivers Mongodb
  3. Omron Drivers Downloads


Ignition now supports Omron FINS devices. This driver does support both UDP and TCP transport protocols. Connect Ignition to an Omron FINS Device via TCP. Go to the Config section of the Gateway Webpage. Scroll down and select OPC UA Device Connections. On the Devices page, click on Create new Device. Select Omron FINS/TCP, and click Next. The Omron NJ Ethernet driver works in conjunction with KEPServerEX to manage communications between OPC clients and Omron Sysmac NJ EtherNet/IP PLCs via the EtherNet/IP protocol. It also supports Common Industrial Protocol (CIP) routing to access additional PLCs via EtherNet/IP without requiring the use of CX-Compolet.

Drivers Monitor

This article explains how to recognize the difference between the hardware models of the as well as the compatibility between Hardware, USB Drivers and Operating Systems for the CIF31.


  • How to recognize the hardware model
  • Hardware, USB Driver and Operating System Compatibility

How to recognize the hardware model

Drivers Mongodb

Note: produced with Lot No. 130702K or higher are hardware version 2.

Hardware, USB Driver and Operating System Compatibilty

Omron Drivers Downloads

The USB Driver v2.06 cannot be used with hardware version 2. If hardware version 2 is used; please install USB Driver v2.08 in order to get the properly working.

The compatibility overview is shown below.

The USB drivers can be found in the myOMRON downloads are: /downloads/4.Products/Software/USB drivers//